shifting hearts, transforming relationships, healing generations


Work with Kreed: 


INDIVIDUAL: Private on-to-one coaching dedicated to focusing only on your estrangement or reconciliation experience. You will feel supported and guided to move THROUGH the pain and into reconciliation and or healing, all within the privacy of your own home. Your location does not matter - Kreed works with clients around the world via virtual sessions.

PARENT(S) / ADULT CHILD (together): 

GROUPS: Long to feel a sense of community? To be with others who understand the rejection and heartbreak of estrangement? To know you will not be judged or mocked or shamed? Join one of several on-going groups facilitated by Kreed.

Estranged Mothers Support Group - ZOOM
Recently Reconciled Mothers Support Group - ZOOM
Estranged & Reconciled Mothers Support Group - FACEBOOK (online)

Consultation or Coaching Session (55 minutes) - $150
If you would like to schedule a COACHING session with Kreed, please use the following link.