shifting hearts, transforming relationships, healing generations


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From an estranged daughter- thank you
While this podcast often speaks to the estranged parent, please know that it also helps speak to us as estranged children, and in some way helps to heal us even if we know our parent isn’t listening and isn’t doing the work. The episode on Divorce & Estrangement spoke to me so loudly. As a parent myself, I do question how my mother could have allowed her child to feel the way I did and how she still lacks the ability to self reflect or understand. Sometimes it’s the parent who abandons and estranges from the adult child as well and we are left wondering why we just don’t matter enough and maybe never did. Thank you Kreed for this work and these messages.

From an estranged daughter
I wish my mom found this before it was too late for our relationship. We are no contact and I can’t see any situation where she would put in the work needed to change that. If you are estranged from your children PLEASE take the message of this podcast seriously. It makes me so sad listening to this knowing that my mom won’t.

Understanding, accountability, self healing, and love
This is an amazing podcast. I found it very educational, listening to all episodes, even the episodes that did not apply to me. This podcast dives into a deeper understanding of our adult children’s feelings. As parents, it is easy to look at them, but more difficult to look at ourselves and to do the self work and heal and to truly look at our ourselves as parents . One of my favorite quotes I took away from this podcast that helped to give me a better understanding was…. “ My intentions, do not get to override the impact that my parenting had on my child.” This week I will meet with my adult daughter after a lot of self work and reflection, healing and true, understanding of her feelings. Hoping to reconnect and build a new. I encourage anyone who is going through estrangement whether you are a mother or a Father to listen to this podcast. Open your heart and mind and “Really listen” As parents we have gone through our own trauma as children at 56 I am newly diagnosed with ADHD they think I may have had this going on since the age of seven or eight I’m sure being not diagnosed as a child, affected my parenting. However That is NOT an excuse , . By not healing, our inner trauma , and then starting our own family , Sometimes that trauma most times Spills out onto our children. While, not intentional This happens. It is our job to heal our inner child do the work and take accountability for how it affected our children. In order to tr to fix the relationship with our adult child. Therapy/self work is the answer. Heal yourself and you may be able to heal your relationship and help healing in your adult child. Don’t be afraid. You don’t have to be right. Look into your heart and take accountability. Love your child and yourself enough to do the hard work that is necessary to find healing. Please wish me luck on my journey to reconciliation . Nothing but love to all.

This is such an informative podcast. The phrase “etcetera” is frequently used. It is distracting primarily because it is mispronounced. “Ec” instead of “et”. This is minor as far as the content, but it has become very distracting to me when listening.

Thanks to Kreed and AC
I look forward to the wise and soothing discussions between Kreed and AC (or just Kreed, and just AC!) weekly. I’m forever grateful to them for their gentile yet firm guidance. It’s validating and helpful and effective.

I like this so far!
I am an estranged adult child of a very dysfunctional family system and recently I have been interested in hearing and reading about the flip side. I am one year into my “healing journey “ and information and knowledge absolutely is power, and peace. Much of society perceives people like me as flippant, revenge seeking, uncaring and ungrateful. But that is so not the case. I appreciate that Kreed doesn’t speak I’ll of her children, or of estranged adult children in general.

True understanding and support
An amazing, compassionate and unique resource on the complexity of estrangement between a parent and adult child.

A tremendous help
Our daughter, who has estranged from us, directed us to this podcast before leaving. It has been tremendously helpful in helping us understand the point of view of estranged adult children and places we can do better in communication. Kreed has a wealth of insight, and kindly shares her personal story as well as studies, research and the work of therapists to guide us toward curiosity and self-knowledge. We hope for a reconciliation and these podcast episodes will help us get there when the possibility arrises.

The estranged heart
Kreed’s insights , ideas and encouragement is helping me to move through estrangement of 2 of 3 of my adult daughters. I relax quietly and listen to your episodes and reflect back on them helping me cope with daily heartache. Thank you so very much, Kreed. Blessings to you. Lisa F.

What’s My Part as the Parent
Kreed’s podcasts have helped me open my eyes to what my part in the equation is. I’m learning my son’s perception is his reality. She encourages parents to get curious of your child’s responses, without blaming/judging, and this is clearly a muscle I haven’t developed well. I’m just starting to shift from trying to lecture/change my adult child when I experience resistance, to being more mindful of my words/responses, and how they help or hinder our relationship.


Give it a listen!
Kreed’s podcast is amazing. I would highly recommend it to other adult children going through estrangement.

Both Perspectives
I’m appreciating that Kreed can speak on both perspectives. I’m a 55yo estranged only son. Been estranged since 1987

Finally someone understands!
I have just started to listen to podcast and I’m sorry I didn’t find this one sooner! I am still in the midst of estrangement. I have only listened to the first two episodes but I know I will listen to all of them by tomorrow. For the first time, someone actually understands, relates and has put a voice to all the pain. I am also interested and open to learning what was my role in my own estrangement. I have been estranged from my son and as a result, my grandchildren, for almost eight years. I have already gone through the grief process and it was hard and it was REAL! still today, at certain moments, I go through grief and the whole gamut of grieving (only it happens in a much quicker period of time) sometimes one day, sometimes a few hours. Anyway, I had to stop at episode two to send this review because that’s how strongly I feel that I have found someone who’s not only been through it and gets it, but also is providing a platform to hear other perspectives, as in adult children speaking of some of their reasons. I look forward to listening to the whole podcast and to follow it every week! Thank you!

Listening Deeply
I am still in my estrangement but listening to the first five podcasts has given me much more to think about. I never considered that we were enmeshed and the ramifications of that. While the choice to reconcile will always be my childs, this knowledge helps my perspective. ♥️Thank you Kreed

You saved me
Your podcast has transformed me in way I never thought possible.. Thank you

Life saving!
You absolutely changed my whole life.

Thank you Kreed
Thank you, Kreed, for giving hope, support, and healing to so many. There is so much depth to what you offer. Healing broken relationships and our broken selves is key to a better make the world a better place! Everyone should listen to your wisdom!

Thank You Kreed!
I found Kreed, and her Podcast in her Estranged Mothers support group on Facebook. The Podcasts have literally changed my life and how I’m viewing my estrangement. I only wish I’d found these sooner. The only way out is through, as she says and it’s so true! Kreed challenged me to look at this from my estranged child’s point of view, while she humbly and readily admits her own parenting mistakes. Her humility has lead me to explore my own childhood, and what I brought into my mothering. I’m in therapy, and this podcast has catapulted me into being very curious about not what I did or didn’t do, but how I made my children FEEL! So much great content in this podcast, all from one estranged heart to another.

Love your podcast
Kreed -your podcast is beautiful in so many ways ….your kindness in returning direct messages and e-mails has been such a gift to me .Thank you so much !! Taking the time to be curious and kind to ourselves is very important. Still estranged from one of my precious sons and his wife and family.Thank you for the support group and for prayers for us all to be reconciled one day ❤️

My Guide Through the Land of Estrangement
Finding Kreed, her facebook group, and her podcast has been such a blessing to me! Kreed speaks with such genuineness, kindness, and insight. She shares her own experiences against the backdrop of much research she has done in the subject of estrangement. I feel like I have a supportive guide through this confusing and tortuous land of separation from a beloved child. Each podcast episode covers a specific topic related to estrangement, however, there are common threads woven through all episodes so that they come together and bring clarity to the issue overall. Most importantly, Kreed emphasizes self-awareness, self-compassion, personal growth and healing. There is life after estrangement.

Heartfelt and Real
Kreed takes listeners on journey from estrangement from her daughters to their subsequent reconciliation. Beautiful and reflective. So many of us have been or are estranged from from our children. This is a necessary listen to navigate this journey.

An important topic not often discussed!
This podcast has great information, tells it like it is and pulls no punches. A must listen for parents.

This podcast is so needed!
This topic is so needed and not often talked about. Navigating relationships with your parents as adults can be so hard, and we’re not taught how to communicate better with them or what to do when there’s an estrangement. Thank you fir bringing this topic to light!

Much Needed & Powerful!
Estrangement is a tough topic and hardly talked about. Kreed discusses it from both perspectives in a loving and authentic way. From her own experience, she offers helpful tips to both sides of the estrangement to hopefully facilitate reconciliation.

Must listen
Such an important podcast for anyone meandering through estrangement.

My grandmother's heartstrings were pulled to a new level here (Ep. 18)! So glad I found this podcast! Estrangement is no fun... let's avoid it at all costs. Thank you, Kreed for sharing your heart with us in such a loving and tender way. I'm forever changed!!

True understanding and support
An amazing, compassionate and unique resource full of understanding of the complexity of estrangement between a parent and adult child. Changed everything for me!

Such healing work
I am so grateful to have learned about this beautiful heartfelt balanced perspective to such a heart wrenching experience. I am thankful to be able to say own estrangement is long past. But these very honest and transparent stories touch my heart in deep places and bring even deeper compassion and healing. Thank you so much for the work you are doing. 🙏♥️🤗

My first podcast
I just listed to your latest podcast and it was so enlightening and helpful. I have adult children that are pulling away and I understand the unresolved emotions and feelings. Now I see we need Thearpy big time. I obviously have no idea how to correct the situation. Thank you so much for this information. It was amazing.